Join us at Patreon!

I’m so excited, folks … These just arrived on my doorstep this afternoon! The first official My Bigger Boyfriend merchandise: A button set!

I’ll be posting more information soon on my web site and various other locations, but these will first be available to purchase as a set at Midwest Furfest at the beginning of December. Then, hopefully in early 2023, they’ll be available at future conventions and by mail order!

Last week someone else sent me some Pride and Ocean fan art! These always make me so happy. 🙂 This one is from DrazenVayne … you can view their gallery here:

DrazenVayne Fan Art
Art by DrazenVayne:

Thank you again!

A few weeks ago I received another piece of fan art of Pride and Ocean, this one from SyncroTrace! You can find their work here:

SyncroTrace Fan Art
Art by Syncrotrace:

Thank you so much!

Season’s greetings, friends … from Pride, Ocean, Lance, myself, and the rest of the cast and crew of My Bigger Boyfriend!

Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Festivus, or any other holiday … or none of those, and just like to enjoy the end of the year along with everyone else … Please have a wonderful holiday season, keep safe and keep in touch with those you love!

The strip will continue next week; see you all then!

Hey folks, especially in the U.S., hope you have a terrific holiday this week!

I’m taking a short production break for the holiday, but I’ve posted a picture of Pride and Ocean enjoying the autumn leaves. Please enjoy, and see you again next week!

I received a wonderful surprise this week: Fan art of Ocean and Pride! This was drawn by the talented HikazeDragon. You can find him on Twitter:

Fan art by HikazeDragon
Art by Hikaze:

Thanks so much! I hope everyone will enjoy as much as I did!

Hello … and welcome to the new My Bigger Boyfriend web site! We’re now running on the power of WordPress, which allows me to provide an actual archive of the comics with navigation links and everything. It’s my first WordPress installation so be gentle, but I hope you’ll enjoy!

My Bigger Boyfriend Promo Image

As a reminder, My Bigger Boyfriend posts most Wednesday mornings at 10am CST. You can read it here, or you can follow my Twitter account to see it posted there. You can also select the “About” and “Characters” items on the top or sidebar menus to read more on what this comic’s about.

And if you enjoy the comic, please consider supporting on Patreon. For two dollars a month you’ll get access to new strips two weeks early, plus you’ll be able to participate in a Discord server with other fans, and vote for periodic character wallpaper rewards. For a few dollars more you’ll get early access to other comics projects, as well. I’d really appreciate the support if you can manage it and want to help me with my work!

Thanks again for reading, and please enjoy!

Hello, friends! Welcome to the soft launch of the new website for My Bigger Boyfriend. I’m trying out a WordPress installation seriously for the first time, so things are still rough around the edges while I figure things out and get everything set. Enjoy!